2. 普契奥·迪·西蒙尼(Puccio di Simone)的《基督墓上的圣母宣誓和三个玛丽》(The Virgin Swooning and The Three Maries at The Tomb of Christ) 高清作品[相似度37%]

The Virgin Swooning and the Three Maries at the Tomb of Christ-

图片文件尺寸 : 4556 x 2327px

普契奥·迪·西蒙尼(Puccio di Simone)的《基督墓上的圣母宣誓和三个玛丽》(The Virgin Swooning and The Three Maries at The Tomb of Christ)-Puccio di Simone

The Virgin Swooning and the Three Maries at the Tomb of Christ--Puccio di Simone (意大利, 1340-1362)

下载普契奥·迪·西蒙尼(Puccio di Simone)的《基督墓上的圣母宣誓和三个玛丽》(The Virgin Swooning and The Three Maries at The Tomb of Christ)大图

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